Eradah For Development & Land Reclamation
Sharq Al Owainat

General Information about the Company:

Name of Company: Eradah For Development & Land Reclamation

Headquarter of Company: 28, Al Moltaka Al Araby District, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo

Farms of Company: Plot no.24A- Sharq Al Owainat

Legal Entity: Egyptian Shareholding Company, 100% Egyptian capital.

Capital: 100 million pounds authorized capital, 20 million pounds source capital and 11 million pounds paid capital.

Company’s Activity: reclaiming and equipping lands with basic facilities which make it suitable for agriculture, agriculture of the reclaimed lands by using modern irrigation methods.

Commencing date of Activity: 2012

Management of Company: 

In spite of the novelty of the Company as it established in 2012, the Company has wide expertise in fields of farms establishments representing in the experience of board members in infrastructure works. It is managed by Eng. OSAMA ABDULLATIF, the Managing Director, who has accumulated experiences in constructions in Sharq Al Owainat Area for more than fifteen years enabled him to establish several farms in Sharq Al Owainat that a number of experts of Ministry of Agriculture witness its excellence, high-quality construction and compliance to modern methods of operation. The Managing Director has acquainted this accumulative experience through his work in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and he implemented it in Sharq Al Owainat Area in farms he has constructed and managed for more than 20 years.

Development of the Company’s Activity:

The management of the Company is keen to own and reclaim lands since its establishment. The Company has obtained plot of land of 6000 acres under usufruct system, plot no.24 A in Sharq Al Owainat according to auction made in General Authority For Reclamation Projects and Agricultural Development and It has authorized to commence the work during May 2013. In order to commit to obligations of the Authority to complete reclamation works during a period not exceeding 3 years, Company’s management looked forward to face this challenge by completing reclamation works before the fixed time in May 2016 by developing ambitious annual plan of these works.

Reclaimed Areas Development over years

Year Space in Acres
2013 625
2014 1250
2015 625

The annual plan stated for reclamation is committed by procedures taken by Company’s management, they are as follows:-

  • Estimated budget in which the cash flow necessary for execution.
  • Main terms of works are divided.
  • Detailed terms of works are included under each main term.
  • Hereinafter is the estimated budget summary of the project.

Summary of infrastructure works of 2500 acres project in Sharq Al Owainat under usufruct right.

Serial no. Description
1 Cadastral survey
2 Total road networks
3 Total works of well
4 Total irrigation network
5 Total electricity network
6 Total means of transportation
7 Total constructions
8 Total site equipment
9 Implicit space
  • Make schedule of execution according to each stage
  • Finance the required fund for each stage
  • Hire technical individuals in the site to follow up the execution
  • Prepare weekly/monthly reports regarding project plan execution
  • Searching for world companies to supply equipment and machines necessary for the project.
  • Indeed, it was agreed with Alkhorayef Co. in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its agent in Egypt to supply pivot irrigation devices, pumps and generators in view of long and wide experience of this company in the agricultural field in addition to agencies of the major manufactures of agricultural equipment in the world resulting in The Company’s accreditation thus farms of companies in Sharq Al Owainat emulate global farms operated by the latest world technologies.

A space of 2500 acres has been reclaimed completely by summer of year 2015.

Investment Development

To achieve Company’s objectives in development and expansion, Company’s management pumps investments to meet the requirements of this development. Having reviewed financial statements of the Company, total investment representing invested amounts of the Company to execute the fixed reclamation plan has doubled during few years.

Water Management in the Project

Since the Company’s establishment in 2012, management of the Company commits to apply and implement laws and instructions

regulating the agricultural activity and irrigation through the following procedures:

  • Committing to use water duty within limitations stipulated by Ministry of Irrigation.
  • Committing to cultivate crops stated in bid requirements on which auction of plot of land is concluded, and not to cultivate all types of fodders.
  • Committing to rotation of crops to maintain soil features.
  • Committing to cultivate the space stated in bid requirements, which is 2500 acres, has been divided into 20 pivots – irrigation device – equivalent to 120 acres per device to maintain underground water storage at Sharq Al Owainat.
  • Committing to obtain licenses of wells and pay license fees according to terms of Ministry of Irrigation in spite of the objection of a lot of investors to such fees.


Management of the Company has experienced greenhouse agriculture in our farms in Sharq Al Owainat. Five greenhouses have been established on 10000 meter. Crops of cucumber, cantaloupe, colored pepper have been cultivated and high-quality and excellent productivity has been achieved in the local market.
